MGH Psychiatry

Massachusetts General

Department of Psychiatry

Residency Training Program

This elective seminar meets the third Tuesday of the month, September through June in the Hackett Room, starting at 6:30 pm. It is open to all trainees -- PGY1-4, interns, fellows, BPSI candidates, and recent training program graduates.

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20. Closet scene

Closet scene
III. iv. 1-219 -- 2374-2585

2374          Enter
{Gertrard} <Queene> and Polonius.
2375-6  Pol.
{A} <He> will come strait, | looke you lay home to him,
2377 Tell him his prancks haue beene too braod to beare with,
2378 And that your grace hath screend and stood betweene
2379 Much heate and him, Ile silence me euen heere,
2380 Pray you be round <with him>.
2381  <Ham. within
. Mother, mother, mother.>
2384              {Enter Hamlet.
2382  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Ile {wait} <warrant> you, feare me not,
2383 With-drawe, I heare him comming.
2384 <Enter Hamlet
2385  Ham.
Now mother, what's the matter?
2386  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.
2387  Ham.
Mother, you haue my father much offended.
2388  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Come, come, you answere with an idle tongue.
2389  Ham.
Goe, goe, you question with {a wicked} <an idle> tongue.
2390  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Why how now Hamlet?
2391  Ham.
What's the matter now?
2392  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Haue you forgot me?
2393  Ham.
No by the rood not so,
2394 You are the Queene, your husbands brothers wife,
2395 {And} <But> would {it} <you> were not {so, you} <so. You> are my mother.
2396  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Nay, then Ile set those to you that can speake.
2397-8  Ham.
Come, come, and sit you downe, you shall not | boudge,
2399 You goe not till I set you vp a glasse
2400 Where you may see the {most} <inmost> part of you.
2401  {Ger.
} <Qu.> What wilt thou doe, thou wilt not murther me,
2402 {Helpe how} <Helpe, helpe, hoa>.
2403  Pol.
What {how helpe} <hoa, helpe, helpe, helpe>.
2404  Ham.
How now, a Rat, dead for a Duckat, dead.
2405  Pol.
O I am slaine. <Killes Polon ius.>
2406  {Ger.
} <Qu.> O me, what hast thou done?
2407  Ham
, Nay I knowe not, is it the King?
2408 {I2v
}  {Ger.} <Qu.> O what a rash and bloody deede is this.
2409  Ham.
A bloody deede, almost as bad, good mother
2410 As kill a King, and marry with his brother.
2411  {Ger.
} <Qu.> As kill a King.
2412  Ham.
I Lady, {it was} <'twas> my word.
2413 Thou wretched, rash, intruding foole farwell,
2414 I tooke thee for thy {better} <Betters>, take thy fortune,
2415 Thou find'st to be too busie is some danger,
2416 Leaue wringing of your hands, peace sit you downe,
2417 And let me wring your hart, for so I shall
2418 If it be made of penitrable stuffe,
2419 If damned custome haue not brasd it so,
2420 That it {be} <is> proofe and bulwark against sence.
2421  {Ger.
} <Qu.> What haue I done, that thou dar'st wagge thy tongue
2422 In noise so rude against me?
2423  Ham.
Such an act
2424 That blurres the grace and blush of modesty,
2425 Cals vertue hippocrit, takes of the Rose
2426 From the faire forhead of an innocent loue,
2427 And {sets} <makes> a blister there, makes marriage vowes
2428 As false as dicers oathes, ô such a deede,
2429 <pp2
> As from the body of contraction plucks
2430 The very soule, and sweet religion makes
2431 A rapsedy of words; heauens face dooes glowe
2432 {Ore} <Yea> this solidity and compound masse
2433 With {heated} <tristfull> visage, as against the doome
2434 Is {thought sick} <thought-sicke> at the act
2435  Quee.
Ay me, what act?
2435-6  {Ham.
} That roares so low'd, and {thunders} <thun-| ders> in the Index, 
2437 <Ham.> Looke heere vpon this Picture, and on this, 
2438 The counterfeit presentment of two brothers, 
2439 See what a grace was seated on {this} <his> browe, 
2440 Hiperions
 curles, the front of Ioue himselfe, 
2441 An eye like Mars
, to threaten {and} <or> command, 
2442 A station like the herald Mercury

2443 New lighted on a {heaue, a kissing} <heauen-kissing> hill, 
2444 A combination, and a forme indeede, 
2445 Where euery God did seeme to set his seale 
2446 To giue the world assurance of a man, 
2447 {I3
} This was your husband, looke you now what followes, 
2448 Heere is your husband like a mildewed eare, 
2449 Blasting his wholsome {brother,} <breath.> haue you eyes, 
2450 Could you on this faire mountaine leaue to feede, 
2451 And batten on this Moore; ha, haue you eyes? 
2452 You cannot call it loue, for at your age 
2453 The heyday in the blood is tame, it's humble, 
2454 And waits vppon the iudgement, and what iudgement 
2455 Would step from this to this, {sence sure youe haue} 
2455+1 {Els could you not haue motion, but sure that sence} 
2455+2 {Is appoplext, for madnesse would not erre} 
2455+3 {Nor sence to extacie was nere so thral'd} 
2455+4 {But it reseru'd some quantity of choise} 
2455+5 {To serue in such a difference,} what deuill wast 
2456 That thus hath cosund you at hodman blind; 
2456+1 {Eyes without feeling, feeling without sight,} 
2456+2 {Eares without hands, or eyes, smelling sance all,} 
2456+3 {Or but a sickly part of one true sence} 
2456+4 {Could not so mope:} ô shame where is thy blush? 
2457 Rebellious hell, 
2458 If thou canst mutine in a Matrons bones, 
2459 To flaming youth let vertue be as wax 
2460 And melt in her owne fire, proclaime no shame 
2461 When the compulsiue ardure giues the charge, 
2462 Since frost it selfe as actiuely doth burne, 
2463 {And} <As> reason {pardons} <panders> will. 
2464  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Hamlet speake no more, 
2465 Thou turnst {my very} <mine> eyes into my <very> soule, 
2466 And there I see such blacke and {greeued} <grained> spots 
2467 As will <not> leaue {there} their tin'ct. 
2468  Ham. 
Nay but to liue 
2469 In the ranck sweat of an inseemed bed 
2470 Stewed in corruption, honying, and making loue 
2471 Ouer the nasty stie. 
2472  {Ger.
} <Qu.> O speake to me no more, 
2473 These words like daggers enter in {my} <mine> eares, 
2474 No more sweete Hamlet

2475  Ham
. A murtherer and a villaine, 
2476 A slaue that is not twentith part the {kyth} <tythe> 
2477 {I3v
} Of your precedent Lord, a vice of Kings, 
2478 A cut-purse of the Empire and the rule, 
2479 That from a shelfe the precious Diadem stole 
2480 And put it in his pocket. 
2481  {Ger.
} <Qu.> No more. 
2482 Enter Ghost.
2483  Ham. 
A King of shreds and patches, 
2484 Saue me and houer ore me with your wings 

2485 You heauenly gards: what would {your} <you> gracious figure? 
2486  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Alas hee's mad. 
2487  Ham. Doe you not come your tardy sonne to chide, 
2488 That lap'st in time and passion lets goe by 
2489 Th'important acting of your dread command, ô say. 
2490  Ghost. 
Doe not forget, this visitation 
2491 Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose, 
2492 But looke, amazement on thy mother sits, 
2493 O step betweene her, and her fighting soule, 
2494 Conceit in weakest bodies strongest workes, 
2495 Speake to her Hamlet

2496  Ham. 
How is it with you Lady? 
2497  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Alas how i'st with you? 
2498 That you {doe} bend your eye on vacancie, 
2499 And with {th'incorporall} <their corporall> ayre doe hold discourse, 
2500 Foorth at your eyes your spirits wildly peep, 
2501 And as the sleeping souldiers in th'alarme, 
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements 
2503 Start vp and stand an end, ô gentle sonne 
2504 Vpon the heat and flame of thy distemper 
2505 Sprinckle coole patience, whereon doe you looke? 
2506  Ham. 
On him, on him, looke you how pale he glares, 
2507 His forme and cause conioynd, preaching to stones 
2508 Would make them capable, doe not looke vpon me, 
2509 Least with this pittious action you conuert 
2510 My stearne effects, then what I haue to doe 
2511 Will want true cullour, teares perchance for blood. 
2512  {Ger.
} <Qu.> To {whom} <who> doe you speake this? 
2513  Ham. 
Doe you see nothing there? 
2514  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Nothing at all, yet all that is I see. 
2515  Ham. 
Nor did you nothing heare? 
2516  {Ger.
} <Qu.> No nothing but our selues. 
2517 {I4
}  Ham. Why looke you there, looke how it steales away, 
2518 My father in his habit as he liued, 
2519 Looke where he goes, euen now out at the portall. Exit 
2520  {Ger.
} <Qu.> This is the very coynage of your braine, 
2521 This bodilesse extacie is very cunning in. 
2522  <Ham
. Extasie?
2523  {Ham.
} My pulse as yours doth temperatly keepe time, 
2524 And makes as healthfull musicke, it is not madnesse 
2525 That I haue vttred, bring me to the test, 
2526 And <I> the matter will reword, which madnesse 
2527 Would gambole from, mother f creation or loue of grace, 
2528 Lay not {that} <a> flattering vnction to your soule 
2529 That not your trespasse but my madnesse speakes, 
2530 It will but skin and filme the vlcerous place 
2531 {Whiles} <Whil'st> ranck corruption mining all within 
2532 Infects vnseene, confesse your selfe to heauen, 
2533 Repent what's past, auoyd what is to come, 
2534 And doe not spread the compost {on} <or> the weedes 
2535 To make them {rancker,} <ranke.> forgiue me this my vertue, 
2536 For in the fatnesse of {these} <this> pursie times 
2537 Vertue it selfe of vice must pardon beg, 
2538 Yea curbe and wooe for leaue to doe him good. 
2539-40  {Ger.
} <Qu.> O Hamlet | thou hast cleft my hart in twaine. 
2541  Ham. 
O throwe away the worser part of it, 
2542 And {leaue} <liue> the purer with the other halfe, 
2543 Good night, but goe not to {my} <mine> Vncles bed, 
2544 Assune a vertue if you haue it not, <refraine to night,> 
2544+1 {That monster custome, who all sence doth eate} 
2544+2 {Of habits deuill, is angell yet in this} 
2544+3 {That to the vse of actions faire and good,} 
2544+4 {He likewise giues a frock or Liuery} 
2544+5 {That aptly is put on to refraine night,} 
2545 And that shall lend a kind of easines 
2546 To the next abstinence, {the next more easie:} 
2546+1 {For vse almost can change the stamp of nature,} 
2546+2 {And either the deuill, or throwe him out} 
2546 {With wonderous potency:} once more good night, 
2547 And when you are desirous to be blest, 
2548 Ile blessing beg of you, for this same Lord 
2549 I doe repent; but heauen hath pleasd it so 
2550 {I4v
} To punish me with this, and this with me, 
2551 That I must be their scourge and minister, 
2552 I will bestowe him and will answere well 
2553 The death I gaue him; so againe good night 
2554 I must be cruell only to be kinde, 
2555 {This} <Thus> bad beginnes, and worse remaines behind. 
2555+1 {One word more good Lady.} 
2556  {Ger.
} <Qu.> What shall I doe? 
2557  Ham. 
Not this by no meanes that I bid you doe, 
2558 Let the {blowt} <blunt> King temp't you againe to bed, 
2559 Pinch wanton on your cheeke, call you his Mouse, 
2560 And let him for a paire of reechie kisses, 
2561 <pp2v
> Or padling in your necke with his damn'd fingers. 
2562 Make you to {rouell} <rauell> all this matter out 
2563 That I essentially am not in madnesse, 
2564 But {mad} <made> in craft, t'were good you let him knowe, 
2565 For who that's but a Queene, faire, sober, wise, 
2566 Would from a paddack, from a bat, a gib, 
2567 Such deare concernings hide, who would doe so, 
2568 No, in dispight of sence and secrecy, 
2569 Vnpeg the basket on the houses top, 
2570 Let the birds fly, and like the famous Ape, 
2571 To try conclusions in the basket creepe, 
2572 And breake your owne necke downe. 
2573  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Be thou assur'd, if words be made of breath 
2574 And breath of life, I haue no life to breath 
2575 What thou hast sayd to me. 
2576  Ham. 
I must to England, you knowe that. 
2577  {Ger.
} <Qu.> Alack I had forgot. 
2577 Tis so concluded on. 
2577+1 Ham. 
Ther's letters seald, and my two Schoolefellowes,} 
2577+2 {Whom I will trust as I will Adders fang'd,} 
2577+3 {They beare the mandat, they must sweep my way} 
2577+4 {And marshall me to knauery: let it worke,} 
2577+5 {For tis the sport to haue the enginer} 
2577+6 {Hoist with his owne petar, an't shall goe hard} 
2577+7 {But I will delue one yard belowe their mines,} 
2577+8 {And blowe them at the Moone: ô tis most sweete} 
2577+9 {When in one line two crafts directly meete,} 
2578 {K1
} <Ham.> This man shall set me packing, 
2579 Ile lugge the guts into the neighbour roome; 
2580 Mother {good night indeed,} <goodnight. Indeede> this Counsayler 
2581 Is now most still, most secret, and most graue, 
2582 Who was in life a {most} foolish prating knaue. 
2583 Come sir, to draw toward an end with you. 
2584 Good night mother. {Exit.

2585 <Exit Hamlet tugging in Polonius

Subpages (1): Closet scene